Dr. Norbert Bajusz
2st medical office
Dr. Norbert Bajusz
Appointment: (70) 212 4241 (English; Hungarian)
Mail: bajusznorbert@yahoo.com
Web: www.harmonydent.eu
Digital Panoramic X-ray
A single exposure is shown in crystal clear picture sharpness all the teeth, upper jaw bone structure of the lower jaw, sinuses, such as an open book detect and repair any problem.
Additional benefits include:
- The equipment development in 2013, the country´s second commissioned this type of device.
- Compared to conventional panoramic x-ray is about. 10-12 times less exposure.
- Child module, so even children to receive radiation is only a small part.
- Segmented panorama option, which is seen as slices of photography, seven layers, similar to a CT.
- Extremely sharp, high-contrast, detail-packed pictures.
The record price of 5000,- Ft.